Home / List of Computer Science Journals with Impact Factor 2025
The detailed information includes their focus areas and, where applicable, some insights into their impact in the academic and research community.
Have a look at the List Of Computer Science Journals with Impact Factor 2025, we have expert writers on all leading areas to provide you complete guidance on selecting the paper with the apt journal.
S.no | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | CIN-COMPUTERS INFORMATICS NURSING | 1538-2931 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
3. | COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL ORGANIZATION THEORY | 1381-298X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
4. | COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY | 1476-9271 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
5. | COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES | 1420-0597 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
6. | SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL | 0037-5497 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
7. | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW | 0894-4393 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
8. | SOFT COMPUTING | 1432-7643 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
9. | SPEECH COMMUNICATION | 0167-6393 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
10. | STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND DATA MINING | 1932-1864 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
11. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS | 0218-2130 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
12. | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS | 1532-0464 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
13. | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING | 1549-9596 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
14. | JOURNAL OF CHEMINFORMATICS | 1758-2946 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
15. | JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION | 1382-6905 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
16. | Modeling, Identification and Control | 3327353 | Computer Science Applications |
17. | Simulation and Gaming | 10468781 | Computer Science Applications |
18. | International Journal of Control | 207179 | Computer Science Applications |
19. | International Journal of General Systems | 3081079 | Computer Science Applications |
20. | Photogrammetric Record | 0031868X | Computer Science Applications |
21. | RAIRO – Theoretical Informatics and Applications | 9883754 | Computer Science Applications |
22. | Journal of Computational Physics | 219991 | Computer Science Applications |
23. | Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics | 14684349 | Computer Science Applications |
24. | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 13845810 | Computer Science Applications |
25. | Xitong Fangzhen Xuebao / Journal of System Simulation | 1004731X | Computer Science Applications |
26. | Internet and Higher Education | 10967516 | Computer Science Applications |
27. | Journal of Digital Imaging | 8971889 | Computer Science Applications |
28. | IEEE Communications Magazine | 1636804 | Computer Science Applications |
29. | Defence Science Journal | 0011748X | Computer Science Applications |
30. | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | 189286 | Computer Science Applications |
31. | Geodesy and Geodynamics |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
32. | Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing | 15673200 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
33. | Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences | 18761682 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
34. | Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research | 18789897 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
35. | Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
36. | Aerospace Systems |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
37. | AGIT- Journal fur Angewandte Geoinformatik | 23649283 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
38. | Journal of Geodetic Science |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
39. | Journal of Operational Meteorology |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
40. | Revista Brasileira de Geografia Fisica |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
41. | AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING | 0928-8910 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
42. | BIT NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS | 0006-3835 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
43. | COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | 0001-0782 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
44. | COMPUTATIONAL VISUAL MEDIA | 2096-0433 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
45. | COMPUTER | 0018-9162 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
46. | DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS | 0929-5585 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
47. | DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE | 1462-7264 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
48. | EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING | 1382-3256 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
49. | ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING | 1875-9521 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
50. | FORMAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTING | 0934-5043 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
52. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB AND GRID SERVICES | 1741-1106 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
53. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB SERVICES RESEARCH | 1545-7362 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
54. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER | 1433-2779 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
55. | IT PROFESSIONAL | 1520-9202 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
56. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY | 0018-9529 | Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture |
57. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING | 2377-3782 | Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture |
58. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS | 1063-8210 | Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture |
59. | IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | 1536-1284 | Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture |
61. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-HUMAN INTERACTION | 1073-0516 | Computer Science, Cybernetics |
62. | BIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS | 0340-1200 | Computer Science, Cybernetics |
63. | ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING | 1875-9521 | Computer Science, Cybernetics |
64. | HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION | 0737-0024 | Computer Science, Cybernetics |
65. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING | 1949-3045 | Computer Science, Cybernetics |
66. | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | 0168874X | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
67. | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | 10964290 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
68. | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | 1615147X | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
69. | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | 10844309 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
70. | International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | 2181940 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
71. | Design Issues | 7479360 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
72. | Machine Graphics and Vision | 12300535 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
73. | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | 15464261 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
74. | Design Journal | 14606925 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
75. | Computer-Aided Design and Applications | 16864360 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
76. | Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers | 10586393 | Computer Networks and Communications |
77. | Future Generation Computer Systems | 0167739X | Computer Networks and Communications |
78. | Information Systems Journal | 13501917 | Computer Networks and Communications |
79. | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | 220000 | Computer Networks and Communications |
80. | Journal of Computer Information Systems | 8874417 | Computer Networks and Communications |
81. | International Journal of Electronic Government Research | 15483886 | Computer Networks and Communications |
82. | Journal of Location Based Services | 17489725 | Computer Networks and Communications |
83. | International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking | 15480631 | Computer Networks and Communications |
84. | Journal of Interconnection Networks | 2192659 | Computer Networks and Communications |
85. | International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics | 1751911X | Computer Networks and Communications |
86. | Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicacoes | 19849729 | Computer Networks and Communications |
87. | Advances in Information Security | 15682633 | Computer Networks and Communications |
88. | Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications | 20935374 | Computer Networks and Communications |
89. | Journal of Cryptographic Engineering | 21908508 | Computer Networks and Communications |
90. | Semantic Web | 15700844 | Computer Networks and Communications |
91. | Journal of Interactive Media in Education |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
92. | Internet Policy Review |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
93. | Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
94. | Aloma | 11383194 | Computer Networks and Communications |
95. | Wireless Power Transfer |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
96. | Information Technologies and International Development | 15447529 | Computer Networks and Communications |
97. | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | 25112104 | Computer Networks and Communications |
98. | International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration | 23945443 | Computer Networks and Communications |
99. | Big Data Mining and Analytics |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
100. | Revista Internacional de Tecnologia, Ciencia y Sociedad |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
101. | Information Technology and Libraries | 7309295 | Information Systems |
102. | Journal of Documentation | 220418 | Information Systems |
103. | Journal of Information Science | 1655515 | Information Systems |
104. | Journal of Information Technology | 2683962 | Information Systems |
105. | Cybernetics and Systems | 1969722 | Information Systems |
106. | Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International | 10642307 | Information Systems |
107. | Journal of Intelligent Systems | 3341860 | Information Systems |
108. | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | 3625915 | Information Systems |
109. | Distributed and Parallel Databases | 9268782 | Information Systems |
110. | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences | 2397528 | Information Systems |
111. | International Journal of Geographical Information Science | 13658816 | Information Systems |
112. | International Journal of Parallel Programming | 8857458 | Information Systems |
113. | Fundamenta Informaticae | 1692968 | Information Systems |
114. | Networks | 283045 | Information Systems |
115. | Molecular Diversity | 13811991 | Information Systems |
116. | Information Systems Research | 10477047 | Information Systems and Management |
117. | International Journal of Information Management | 2684012 | Information Systems and Management |
118. | Journal of Information Systems | 8887985 | Information Systems and Management |
119. | Journal of Management Information Systems | 7421222 | Information Systems and Management |
120. | Journal of High Technology Management Research | 10478310 | Information Systems and Management |
121. | Journal of Cases on Information Technology | 15487717 | Information Systems and Management |
122. | International Journal of Business Information Systems | 17460972 | Information Systems and Management |
123. | International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining | 17438187 | Information Systems and Management |
124. | Webology | 1735188X | Information Systems and Management |
125. | International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management | 17427967 | Information Systems and Management |
126. | Journal of Asset Management | 14708272 | Information Systems and Management |
127. | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | 19391374 | Information Systems and Management |
128. | Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy | 17506166 | Information Systems and Management |
129. | International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services | 17516048 | Information Systems and Management |
130. | International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies | 17438268 | Information Systems and Management |
131. | Quality Technology and Quantitative Management | 16843703 | Information Systems and Management |
132. | International Journal of Information Science and Management | 20088302 | Information Systems and Management |
133. | Australasian Journal of Information Systems | 14498618 | Information Systems and Management |
134. | International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies | 17558050 | Information Systems and Management |
135. | International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development | 19416253 | Information Systems and Management |
136. | ACM SIGCOMM COMPUTER COMMUNICATION REVIEW | 0146-4833 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
137. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS | 1556-4665 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
138. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-HUMAN INTERACTION | 1073-0516 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
139. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS | 0362-5915 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
140. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 1046-8188 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
141. | FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE | 2095-2228 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
142. | FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING | 2095-9184 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
143. | GEOINFORMATICA | 1384-6175 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
144. | HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES | 2192-1962 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
145. | IBM JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT | 0018-8646 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
146. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING | 1545-5971 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
147. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TOPICS IN COMPUTING | 2168-6750 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
148. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY | 0018-9448 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
149. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING | 1041-4347 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
150. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING | 1536-1233 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
151. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0218-8430 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
152. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION | 1874-5482 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
153. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS | 1550-1477 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
154. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS | 1562-2479 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
155. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE | 1365-8816 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
156. | JOURNAL OF CHEMINFORMATICS | 1758-2946 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
157. | JOURNAL OF CLOUD COMPUTING-ADVANCES SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS | 2192-113X | Computer Science, Information Systems |
158. | JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS | 1229-2370 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
159. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0887-4417 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
160. | JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT | 1063-8016 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
161. | JOURNAL OF WEB SEMANTICS | 1570-8268 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
162. | KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0219-1377 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
163. | KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 1976-7277 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
164. | METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE | 0026-1270 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
165. | MIS QUARTERLY | 0276-7783 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
166. | RAIRO – Operations Research | 3990559 | Theoretical Computer Science |
167. | Information Processing Letters | 200190 | Theoretical Computer Science |
168. | Information Sciences | 200255 | Theoretical Computer Science |
169. | Information Systems Frontiers | 13873326 | Theoretical Computer Science |
170. | New Generation Computing | 2883635 | Theoretical Computer Science |
171. | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | 0888613X | Theoretical Computer Science |
172. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 8848173 | Theoretical Computer Science |
173. | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | 0952813X | Theoretical Computer Science |
174. | Computing (Vienna/New York) | 0010485X | Theoretical Computer Science |
175. | Kybernetika | 235954 | Theoretical Computer Science |
176. | Discrete Mathematics | 0012365X | Theoretical Computer Science |
177. | Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques – Conference Proceedings, PACT | 1089795X | Theoretical Computer Science |
178. | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 10009000 | Theoretical Computer Science |
179. | Parallel Computing | 1678191 | Theoretical Computer Science |
180. | Parallel Processing Letters | 1296264 | Theoretical Computer Science |
181. | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | 15443558 | Theoretical Computer Science |
182. | Journal of Experimental Algorithmics | 10846654 | Theoretical Computer Science |
183. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications | 14690268 | Theoretical Computer Science |
184. | International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications | 1751648X | Theoretical Computer Science |
185. | International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics | 17525055 | Theoretical Computer Science |
186. | Computability | 22113568 | Theoretical Computer Science |
187. | Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika | 20710410 | Theoretical Computer Science |
188. | Theory of Computing |
| Theoretical Computer Science |
189. | Fuzzy Information and Engineering | 16168658 | Theoretical Computer Science |
190. | Computation |
| Theoretical Computer Science |
191. | Interactive Technology and Smart Education | 17415659 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
192. | International Journal of Agile Systems and Management | 17419174 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
193. | Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
194. | Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice | 21653151 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
195. | Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
196. | International Journal of Cloud Computing | 20439989 | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
197. | Karbala International Journal of Modern Science | 2405609X | Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
198. | Education Sciences |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
199. | ACM SIGBED Review |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |
200. | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology |
| Computer Science (miscellaneous) |