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Cloud Computing Research Topics

At the large scale, cloud computing delivers lots of services that range from simple storage to database, networking, servers and analytics along with intelligent computation. Do you upload your data to drive storage when your system space has exceeded the limit? It is an example of cloud computing service used at individual level.

Implementing Cloud Computing Research Topics for Research Scholars

You are landed at the correct spot to get expert answers for your search. Cloud computing research topics are our current searching part. Flexibility, accommodation and innovation are the aspects of cloud computing that gain it wide advantages. Here is a deeper insight on cloud computing research.

What Are the Different Levels Of Cloud Computing?

Let us first start with the levels of cloud computing. The three main layers in cloud computing are as follows,

  • Software as a service or SaaS
    • Storage and processing of application is done at the cloud.
    • The web browser or other UI is loaded on to the system of the user.
    • Examples – Google apps, Microsoft 365 online, MEGA
  • Platform as a service or PaaS
    • It creates platform for the SaaS to function on virtual environment
    • Request based Scaling plays a key role like Dynos in Heroku and Gears in OpenShift
    • Examples – OpenShift, Heroku, Google App Engine
  • Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS
    • Network capacities and resources for computing are primarily parts of IaaS
    • Managing, configuring, controlling, scaling are the works of IaaS
    • Examples – Google cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure

We are proud to present our experts to you who are highly capable of making research projects in all these layers of cloud computing. You will be surprised to know that we have been working in the field of cloud computing for more than 10 decades together.

 So you can find with us the well experienced people to guide you in your projects. Below is a note for you from our expert’s team that you should know to choose the best topic of research.


The following criteria are to be remembered by you, before choosing a topic of research.

  • You should first understand the topic and its importance
  • Be clear about relevance of the background topic in today’s world
  • Have an idea of your audience and target them
  • Signify your area of survey at the summary
  • Brief the scheme of classification that you used
  • Methodology adopted to survey must also be pointed out

This can help you out in short listing your project from the big list of cloud computing research topics. Even if you are still confused to choose the best one for you, contact us. Our customer support facility works throughout the day and night.  The following section briefs the research objectives of cloud computing.


The following must be your objectives for research in cloud computing

  • Be sure to keep the make span time and cost at minimum
  • Energy consumed must be balanced with the make span time
  • Remember the following during scheduling
    • Optimal position to reduce energy consumed
    • Resources should be allocated to reduce the make span time

As we have gained vast knowledge and huge experience in the field of cloud computing, we can help you meet these objectives for sure. This can reduce your efforts and money. Also we are mostly sought for our cost effective high quality project support. So we will now take you through the ways of meeting these objectives easily.


The following points can be of great use for you to achieve your research objectives. Estimation of the following prior to the research is highly recommended.

  • Time to start and end the tasks
  • Start and end duration for the transfer of data
  • Beginning and ending time for shutdown and setup of virtual machine
  • Time for starting and ending for each node and virtual machine
  • Optimal task processing methods

You will need huge amount of data before making these estimates. We are here to provide you with massive amount of reliable data that will be of great use to you. Now let us look into the most important part that is cloud computing research topics.


Here are some projects as recommendations. It is your own discretion to choose your topic.

  • User Admission Control in Cloud Infrastructure
  • Load Balancing among Cloud VMs
  • Task / Capacity Allocation in Cloud Systems
  • Admission Control in CSP
  • Load Balancing in User Side

Are you puzzled about choosing a topic for you? Then we are at your rescue. You can find the best set of engineers, developers, writers who can guide you in choosing a topic, designing, explaining you the content along with thesis and summary writing. We will be guiding you completely in your research.


The following are the important cloud computing ideas for research projects

  • Balancing load
  • Multi-tenancy cloud privacy
  • Backup and data recovery
  • Security in architecture for cloud
  • Management of data centres
  • Outsourcing security
  • Integrity
  • Virtualisation
  • Backup and recovery
  • Cryptography
  • Auditing and availability

To do successful projects in cloud computing, you should be well aware of using VM placement algorithms that include

  • BF (Best Fit)
  • F (First Fit)
  • FFD (First Fit Decreasing)
  • BFD (Best Fit Decreasing)

You may now think about learning these algorithms instantly. We are here to help you do that. Our guidance includes practical explanations and teachings necessary to design and execute the cloud computing projects. Now let us look into the problems associated with task scheduling in cloud.


The following three parameters are considered for task scheduling

  • Resource discovering – resources with maximum usage are retained
  • Selecting resources – decision making using parameters of Quality
  • Submitting the tasks – final submission of tasks

You can find the best solutions to these problems from our experts. You can seek any kind of research help from us. Connect with us for all your queries and our experts will provide you the best solutions.


The task scheduling is evaluated on the following basis.

  • Number of used VMs is the direct measure of effective use of data centre
  • Average utilised resources (network bandwidth, memory, CPU, hard disk)

Based on these aspects our team has excelled in their projects designed and delivered. You can be a part of our huge list of happy customers. You now need to know more about the simulators that we use to check our projects’ performance.


The working of the designed cloud is determined by simulation. Simulators have four layers.

  • Resource layer – hardware like CPU, storage and memory
  • Application layer – submission and consumption of resources
  • Cloud services layer – virtualisation of resources requested
  • Simulator kernel layer – simulation parameters library

The efficiency of cloud simulators are judged based on certain parameters such as platform, language and availability. After multiple checks, the following cloud simulators are considered significant.

  • CloudSim and Extensions (SimJava, Java, Open source)
  • Network CloudSim (CloudSim, Java, Open source)
  • Cloud Analyst (CloudSim, Java, Open source)
  • EMUSim (CloudSim, AEF, Java, Open source)

As we claim that we are using these best simulation methods, it is inherently understood that our experts are well versed in these. So you cannot find the best alternative to us as we gained huge expertise in almost all cloud computing research topics.

VM Migration

Key Services

  • Literature Survey
  • Research Proposal
  • System Development
  • AWS Integration
  • Algorithm Writing
  • Pesudocode
  • Paper Writing
  • Conference Paper
  • Thesis Writing
  • Dissertation Writing
  • MS Thesis
  • Assignments


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