Cloud Computing Projects

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Cloud Computing Projects with Source Code

Cloud computing is a multi-service based platform to process and store data from different sources using remote servers connected over the internet. It is easy to afford secure solution for data sharing and storage among local servers and cloud server.

This page helps the scholars to grasp the information about Cloud Computing Projects with Source Code and Simulation Tools!!!

In real-world, many enterprises are successfully running under cloud. So, it gains more attentions among scholars and industrialist to bring new innovation in cloud. Some of the key characteristics of cloud influence the growth of technologies towards modern culture. For your reference, here we have given few notable features of cloud computing,

Cloud Computing Features

  • Cloud Metrics
  • Web Technologies
  • Service Adaptability
  • Scalability and Flexibility
  • Shared Service

As a matter of fact, we have numerous long-term professionals from all parts of world to support you in latest developments of Cloud Computing. Also, we have individual resource team to design innovative research ideas to provide best futuristic contribution in Cloud Computing field.

Research Topics in Cloud Computing

  • Data Quality and Staging Problems
  • Security Threats and Challenges in Cloud Computing
  • Architecture Modeling Issues in Federated Cloud
  • Privacy, Trust and Legacy Issues in Cloud Computing
  • Improved Resource and Task Allocation on Diverse Servers

Even in the modern world, it is not an easy job to fit the real cloud infrastructure directly for public or private usage. Prior to execution, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of the developed system which includes algorithms / technologies. So, the demand of cloud simulators increases to observe and address the technical performance and challenges in real developments.

Research Issues in Cloud Computing

  • Cloud Migration and Adaptation Strategies
  • Virtualization and Hyperjacking Attacks
  • Data Storage and Protection Risks
  • Hypervisor and Virtualization Implication on Cloud
  • Virtual Data Security against VM Theft
  • Design of Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) Model
  • Improving Trust Mechanism against Third Party Risks
  • Cross-Border Data Flow, Manage and Storage Problems
  • Improving Multi-Security Threats over Moving and Rest Data

Research Ideas in Cloud Computing

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Enhancing Cloud Security Solutions
  • 5G based Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)
  • Cloud-Native Technologies with Microservices
  • Cloud Computing Containerization (CC-C)
  • Software Defined-oriented Cloud Computing Networking (SD-CC)
  • Various Cloud Adoption Approaches on Diverse Enterprises
  • Cloud Providers Comparison (Alibaba vs. MS Azure vs IBM vs AWS vs. Oracle etc.)
  • Enabling Cloud Supportive Technologies
    • Blockchain System
    • Smart edge computing
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Quantum computing, Chatbots, etc.

To the great extent, we are also working on various Software Engineering techniques to improve the performance of Cloud Computing Projects in any network. For you reference, here we have highlighted the important processes.

  • Cloud based Services and Applications Testing
  • Analyzing and Enhancing Cloud Requirements Engineering
  • Advance Cloud Service Architecture Design Strategies

By the by, Simulators are both commercial and free where each has different functionalities to support complex issues. Choosing the tool is also most important thing in executing Cloud Computing Projects with Source Code. The main objective of cloud simulators is to minimize the infrastructure intricacy in practically investigating security issues, implementing mechanisms and determining the quality and assessing the overall performance. So, we have enumerated some free of cost simulation tools.

Cloud Computing Projects With Source Code

Cloud Computing Simulation Tools

  • GreenCloud
    • GreenCloud offers a well-established packet-level platform for energy efficient eco-friendly cloud environment.
    • It mainly works upon cloud communications with an intention to reduce energy utilization.
  • CloudAnalyst
    • CloudAnalyst is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to simulate cloud environment which is inherited from Java enabled CloudSim simulator. So, it is furnished with some prolonged abilities and characteristics.
  • CloudSim
    • CloudSim is a framework to simulate all core functionalities of cloud environment through extensible Java commands. And, it facilitates the developers to work on various processes such as task execution, entities creation, queuing, data transfer, resource allocation, etc

Our experts have sufficient knowledge in selecting the tool based on proposed scenarios. Since, we choose the tool depends on their supporting features which is more apt for desired scenario. Here, we have listed the main simulation benefits on Cloud Computing Mini Projects with Source Code,

  • Easy and Cost effective to model, build and analyze the real-time software development. Also, if there is a need, we can re-do all the functions
  • Simulators let the scholars to simulate any cloud oriented proposed systems in a sophisticated environs. In specific, it facilities them to implement their handpicked algorithms, methodologies, security mechanisms to enhance the cloud performance.
  • Support scalable and dynamic environment to configure/develop large-scale model. And also, it extends its provision of flexibility and consistency for all real-time cloud applications
  • Increase the ease of designing interfaces and algorithms along with various customization choices to create realistic cloud scenarios

What is cloud programming?

Cloud Computing is specifically designed to offer computing services over internet based on the demand of end-users. It can be anything as resources, software, infrastructure, intelligence, API services, etc.

In general programming, the applications are implemented using programming languages. In cloud based programming, the software/products are developed using data-oriented languages for better outcomes.

  • Python
    • Python is a colossal collection of vital characteristics that ease the programmability. Most importantly, the following factors play key role in improving program feasibility in comparison with others,
      • Wide-range libraries
      • Easy to understand and code data structure
      • Ease of importing external packages
      • High speed and productivity
      • Open source and model execution
      • Proximity of third-party modules
    • It is more suitable for beginners who wish to develop the software without complication. Since, it is practicing from more than 3 decades and still advancing for easy programmability. As a result, it is a highly favored tool in software engineers circle.
    • It is also denoted as high-level object oriented programming language to support various development paradigms in regardless of fields. Therefore, it makes things easier to develop new APIs, academic/commercial software, data science and web applications.
  • Java
    • Similar to python, Java also earns a special position in cloud due to its interoperability and multi-platform capability. Beyond this, there are so many unique features which make increasing popularity among programmers.

Further, if you need to know interesting Cloud Computing Seminar Topics, then make a tie up with us. Then, we also assist you in tool and language selection for getting precise results.

VM Migration

Key Services

  • Literature Survey
  • Research Proposal
  • System Development
  • AWS Integration
  • Algorithm Writing
  • Pesudocode
  • Paper Writing
  • Conference Paper
  • Thesis Writing
  • Dissertation Writing
  • MS Thesis
  • Assignments


I really appreciate your project development team. Since, your source codes are very easy to understand and execute it. Thank you!

- Wilson

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Happy Client Lewis

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- Eliza

Satisfied Client Eliza

You’ve been so helpful because my project is based on the AWS and HDFS integration. Before my commitment with you, I’ve a lot of fear, but you people rocked on my project.

- Henry

Satisfied Customer Henry

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Much Satisfied Client Frank

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